Throughout the year, we are asked by many different types of clients to provide quotations for many different types of projects.


Why Paint? Why Paint?

Why Paint?  Why Paint?


The idea of this blog is to give an idea as to why is may actually be necessary to paint rather than just for aesthetics.

One of the reasons that painting may be required is for protection. If external elements like wood and metal aren’t protected adequately enough, it may cost more in the long term.

Metal can rust which obviously is not attractive to look at but long term, it will weaken the metal substrate and eventually erode to non-existence. Furthermore, like metal, wood can rot and if left untreated can lead to erosion. If you remove the rotten wood, you can apply hardener, filler and then paint. Although it is not essential to paint these, prevention is substantially cheaper than the cure.

A further reason which is linked to the above is fire protection. More often than not this is a requirement following any building works been done where new steel needs to be inserted ie a new opening. This is easy to do but from time to time, it may be more cost effective to just use fire rated plaster boards (then plaster). That said on a larger industrial or commercial project, getting a professional company in to carry this out is likely to be more cost effective. Although at a cost, the steelwork can then be painted to a specific colour.

Following the intumescent painting you will be provided with a ‘fire certificate’ to provide to building control to achieve completion.

As a landlord (with a communal area) you are under a duty of care to make sure you are taking necessary steps to minimise the impact of a fire. One of these steps could be to upgrade your ceiling and walls using flame retardant emulsion. This is quite an easy step to take, as used by some clients.

The final reason which I will discuss is when aesthetics becomes a necessity.

When renting your property or leasing it is essential to get a new tenant in place in place as soon as possible as the longer it is left, the more it is costing you. You need to work out which is more cost effective. I would suggest getting a quote straight away and if initial interest is not forthcoming, weigh up your options.

As example of this is where a property costs £400 to have a quick tidy up but the rental cost of £500 plus one month’s utilites (say £200). If the property takes 2/3 weeks longer to let, you are already out of pocket. This obviously varies depending on circumstances and the potential property involved.

Even if the decorator charges you a days work to tidy up various areas, this might work for you. Furthermore, it may be just that you need to have your existing premises looking nice for new/existing clients.
There are many other reasons why you should decorate which I feel would make this blog exhaustive.

Below is a list of reasons I can think of, off the top of my head.

If you want to discuss any of them further, please do not hesitate to contact us for a chat.

  • Anti-Static
  • Anti-Reflective
  • Heat Resistance/Damp Resistance
  • Anti-Bactierial, particular in health care/food
  • Water Damage
  • Health and Safety (lines/steps)
  • Nicotine damage
  • Anti-Graffitti
  • Anti-Slip
  • Water-proofing

We are happy to survey and quote for work in Yorkshire & Greater Manchester.

Call 0800 567 7959 or email today for a free quotation and expert advice.